Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sze Hui's birthday celebration cum jamming session pictures

Ahhhh I'm so sorry this took SO LONG to upload!! >< It's almost been a week. -____________-

Anyway, enjoy!

The Chinese New Year tradition of cards~~

My tuner and wire 8D

An ego picture of my guitar~ and Sze Hui behind lol.

Joey and her obsession with cards... *shakes head* XD

Jory - Photographer No. 2

The inside of a piano~

Sze Hui's sister helping with the candles

Bday Cake!!

Take out the plastic wrapping...

The mess we made...


Staircase~~ <3

Sze Hui's frontyard. *0*

Yep that's all for now! <3 Cool right!!


  1. Yippee! It's up! Hurray for Cassie, the photographer. LOL XD

  2. look at the last photo~~ it's cassie's mum and my mum XXD
